✧ terms of service ✧

- I reserve the right to refuse a commission.
- I will assume I can post the work anywhere with added character credit, please specify on your own if you'd like your commission to remain private.
- I retain the right to include the created work in my portfolio.
- My signature will always be around the face area and no I will not remove it.
- Payment must be upfront in full, only trusted repeat customers may be offered to pay half first and half later.
- I will send a sketch for confirmation or changes before continuing with the piece. After it is completed only easy fixes can be done (Like additions of small accessories or color corrections.)
- The commission will most likely take a long time to complete, I ask that my commissioners have patience as I have other responsibilities as well. The deadline is set prior to the payment process, this is decided between the seller and the client.
- Commissioned work will be sent to you via avenue of choice through a Google Drive link. This will contain all agreed upon files.
- I do not take rush orders.
- You may repost the work as well with given credit only.
- Do not alter my work in any way, if you want changes you can just ask me.
- The created work cannot be used for commercial purposes.
- The created work cannot be used for NFTs or AI art.
- You may receive a full refund if a full sketch has not been sent (full details, not just a base sketch or skeleton.)
- Feel free to ask me for updates at any time, but please as mentioned previously, practice a reasonable level of patience.

☆ Contact ☆

Reach out to me here to ask about a commission!

✧ Commissions ✧

Please read the T.O.S at button below before contacting me, thank you!

☆ Colored Sketch ☆

Headshot $25 USD
Bust $30 USD
Halfbody $40 USD

Colored sketches of chosen character(s) with limited/cell shading. Minimal background.

Refer to the following examples:

☆ Rendered Illustration ☆

Headshot $35 USD
Bust $50 USD
Halfbody $70 USD

Full rendering illustrations of chosen character(s). Option of simple background or scene elements (+$15).

Refer to the following examples:

✧ Chibi Commissions ✧

$40 USD
These are a new addition!

Fully rendered chibi style illustrations of chosen character(s). Simple background, props can be discussed.

Refer to the following examples:

☆ Important Info: ☆

- All prices are in USD
- An extra character will be +50% the original commission cost.
- Payment will be through kofi orders, vgen requests, paypal, or venmo
What I Will Draw ♡
-Original or Canon characters
-Designed personas
-Kemonomimis (catgirls and the like)
-Ship art (oc x canon welcome ♡)
-SFW or even a teensy bit spicy
What I Won't Draw ♤
-Furries (Sorry I'm bad at it)
-Irl portraiture
-Elaborate backgrounds
-Straight NSFW, I don't mind outfits or expressions but I won't draw anything explicit, direct nudity included.
-Mecha (also bad at it I'm sorry)
-Harmful depictions or content

☆ Contact ☆

Reach out to me here to ask about a commission!